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Journalists want police to prosecute irresponsible parents in Tamale


Members of Social Mobilization Partners against Child Labour (SOMOPAC) in the northern region are urging the police to arrest and prosecute parents who neglect and expose their children to danger.
The members who are mainly journalists advocating child protection of all forms of abuse say the police service especially, Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) has no excuse to allow continued violation of children’s rights in the northern region.
According to them if the police can embark on successful several exercises to ensure that motorists adhered to road safety regulations, they see no reason why they cannot do same to prevent parents from negligence and exploitation of children.
It is common in the Tamale metropolis especially, school hours, to see Parents Park 4 or more children on one motor bike with visible police doted across the metropolis.
In the worse scenarios, both the parents and the pillow riders do not wear helmets as required by law. At northern regional child labour forum organization by SOMOPAC, the DOVVSU Tamale metropolitan coordinator, Chief Inspector Lawrence Adombire said police need public support to carry out their mandate.
In the view of Inspector Adombire, until the people in Tamale declare their support for police, the police can only do a little. These were the excises at the forum.
Participants also compared people and police relations in Tamale to Bolga, strategy used and the role of state agencies in combating streetism and child labour in the northern region.


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