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5th UDS Vice-Chancellor inducted into office-Zaanewsroom

The 5th Vice Chancellor of the University for Development Studies Professor Seidu Al-Hassan has been inducted into office today. He was sworn into office by the Chairman of the Governing Council of the University for Development Studies, Professor Wayo Seini.

Professor Seidu Al-Hassan was inducted into office at a colorful ceremony attended by chiefs, family members, sister universities, the academia, service providers and partners. The ceremony was witnessed by Professor Al-Hassan’s mother herself and chief of Jisonayili as well. 

He took the oath of office and officially took the seat to steer the affairs of the premier university of Northern Ghana.  The 5th investiture set the stage for Professor Al-Hassan to continue to serve the UDS and its community. In his address, the new UDS Vice Chancellor said all that happened prior to the investiture was Allah’s making. He therefore promised that additional lecture halls and laboratory will be provided to boots teaching and learning in the university. The Yendi campus he said, will start soon. A little over 300 diagnostic professionals are currently serving the entire country with population of over 30million.  The problem and lack of alternative imaging machines compel patients to travel to south for service, he lamented. . He was however so quick to add that the school of medicine will train more professionals to provide the services to the people in the northern part of Ghana.

The university has no excuse for not becoming the hub of shea industry. A student support unit will be set up to ensure “One District, One Doctor Policy, and  the new administration under him will make sure that every district has a medical doctor, especially female doctors for deprived districts of the five northern regions. The new policy he said is a clue he has taken from President Akufo-Addo’s “1D1F” policy.

He further stated that the African leadership series and lecture recently announced will be rebranded through internal generated funds. That is to say the university will find innovative ways to improve its financial muscle despite the support that will be coming from the central government.

 He assured them that both positive and negative feedbacks are welcome even from anonymous letter writers. He however pleaded with each and everyone who has any concern to pass it through the appropriate channel for redress or better put it in a more decorum manner. The university future he said is bright and prospects are high with support of all. He said he has taken notice of all concerns from staff including fixing ICT problem and unity in the university. He emphasized the need for diversity.

He paradoxically concluded by saying that, he has heard from the grapevine that that his age will not allow him to serve the university long but “longevity belongs to Almighty Allah”, he concluded.

Source: Mohammed Ibrahim