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Poor Sanitation at Fongni: Residents Appeal for Timely Waste Container Collection to Prevent Health Hazards


Sanitation and hygiene are fundamental to human health and well-being, as emphasized by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6, which aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. However, in Fongni, a suburb of Walewale, residents are grappling with serious sanitation issues and are urgently appealing for intervention to address the growing crisis.

Open defecation is reportedly rampant in the area, compounding the already dire sanitation situation. Residents fear that without prompt action, the community could face a widespread outbreak of sanitation-related diseases. The Assemblyman for Fongni Electoral Area, Afa Mohammed Shani, expressed his concerns about the escalating problem. Despite repeatedly raising the issue of waste management in assembly meetings, the West Mamprusi Municipal Assembly has yet to take meaningful action. He warned that the rainy season could worsen the situation, leading to an increase in diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid.

“The situation is getting out of hand. We have talked about this issue over and over again in the assembly, but nothing significant has been done. If this continues into the rainy season, I fear we will see a spike in diseases related to poor sanitation,” said Afa Mohammed Shani.

The situation is particularly alarming around the Fongni public toilet, where a refuse dump has become a breeding ground for disease. Sule Tahiru, a concerned resident, made a passionate appeal to authorities to relocate the dump to prevent a potential health crisis. He pointed out that improper waste disposal and human behavior are significant factors contributing to the poor sanitation in Fongni.

“We are sitting on a ticking time bomb. The waste here is not just an eyesore; it’s a serious health hazard. We need the authorities to act now before it’s too late,” urged Sule Tahiru.

Residents are calling for the timely collection of waste containers and the implementation of effective waste management strategies. They hope that their appeals will prompt the West Mamprusi Municipal Assembly to take immediate action to prevent the looming health hazards in their community.

Source: Angaangmeni Alhassan

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