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GIGDEV marks 5TH graduation ceremony



The programmes manager of Girls Growth and Development (GIGDEV)  Madam Selina Iddi Abdulai has called on corporate organizations to make it a part of their corporate social initiative to sponsor the vulnerable and underprivileged rural girls and women so they could fit in society.

According to Madam Abdulai, the girl child must be given the necessary support and guidance in all aspects of her life, adding that when a girl is educated, her dignity is enhanced and there is positive impact on her family, her community in addition to the effect on the nation’s sustainable development.

Madam Abdulai was speaking at the 5th graduation ceremony for the underprivileged girls of GIGDEV Vocational Training Center in Tolon. GIGDEV is a community based local organization which has the vision of working directly with the vulnerable and underprivileged rural girls and young women to transform them into responsible and productive adults and to reintegrate them into families and communities as agents of change.

The graduatess this year numbered eight and they had successfully completed two years of training in dress making, fashion and designing. The essence of training these girls Madam Abdulai noted, is to provide them with employable skills, which is in line with every government’s policy and interest so far as education is concerned.

In the light of this, GIGDEV is geared towards the human resource development of the underprivileged, which is one of the three thematic areas in the growth and poverty reduction strategy (GPRS). Madam Selina buttressed her point by adding that in this part of the country, when young women are equipped with employable skills, it drastically reduces the rural urban migration for odd and demeaning jobs called ‘’Kayayee.”

It also reduces the incidence if streetism among young women and even prostitution. She mentioned the inadequate salaries of teachers and administrative staff, repairs of machines, electricity, and training materials as some of the challenges hindering the smooth operation of the center and appealed to chiefs, the DCE, member of parliament and all and sundry to contribute to help GIGDEV continue to do its good work for its sustainability.

The eight graduates were presented with certificates for their successful completion of the two years training. The ceremony climaxed with a play by some of the trainee girls at the center depicting the negative effects of ‘’Kayayei’’ on the girl child.

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