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Regent of Dagbon condemns TTH attack; urges workers to return to work


The regent of Dagbↄŋ and acting president of the Dagbↄŋ Traditional Council, KAMPAKUYA-NAA ANDANI YAKUBU ABDULAI) has condemned the unprovoked attack on the acting Chief Executive Officer of the Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH), Dr. David kolbila.

The Regent said Monday’s incident was  regrettable and expressed shock that such acts of lawlessness are happening in Ghana, particularly in Tamale. He went on to condemn what he described as a criminal act by the youth group involved in the attack on the health facility.

A statement from the Gbewaa palace and signed by the Regent said there is no justification for such criminal attacks on public office holders.

The KAMPAKUYA-NAA said information available to him indicates that the group had made allegations of impropriety on the part of the CEO, but he insisted the youth’s action was not way to go.

The statement said if there was evidence of impropriety, the youth should have presented it to the appropriate authority for the investigation and redress.

The statement reminded the youth to be cognizant of the fact that there are laid down procedures for dealing with allegations of impropriety in public institutions.

He therefore cautioned the youth to refrain from taking the law into their own hands by engaging in acts of lawlessness. He subsequently called on the security agencies, particularly the Ghana Police Service, the military and the Regional Security Council to be proactive in preventing the occurrence of such acts of lawlessness in the northern Region.

He urged the security to do whatever is in their power to arrest, investigate and prosecute all those involved in the attack.

The Regent of Dagbↄŋ also called on the government to empower the security agencies to deal with any youth group which attacks public officers and citizens.

The KAMPAKUYA-NAA appealed to all the workers at TTH to exercise restraint and continue with their humanitarian services to the people.

He pleaded with the workers go back to work while stakeholders consult with each other to address their concerns. The workers strike, he said will lead to patients and innocent citizens suffering.

The KAMPAKUYA-NAA added that all stakeholders must work towards establishing a secured and guaranteed work environment at TTH to protect the safety of all the workers and the patients in the facility.



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