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UNDP donates ambulance to Pinna health Centre


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), a non-governmental organization (NGO), has donated an ambulance to the Pinna health center in the Lambussie district of the Upper West region to help reduce maternal and infant mortality rates.

Prior to the donation, residents used to transport patients and pregnant women on donkey carts, motor bikes and bicycles. Besides enhancing health care delivery in that part of the country, the ambulance gives residents a better means of  transporting patients.

Speaking to the media, the communication analyst of the UNDP, Mr. Bossman Owusu said the ambulance will drastically reduce maternal and infant mortality which is on the rise in the area.

The nurse in charge of the Pinna health center, Mrs. Noela Anglaiming, said before the ambulance was donated maternal and infant mortality was high in the district. She is hopeful the donation will help achieve the Millennium Development Goal four and five.



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