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Sankpala E/A JHS pupils exposed to danger

 Pupils of Sankpala E/A junior high school in the Central Gonja District of the Northern Region learn under poor conditions. The structure in which they learn is in a dilapidated state and poses a danger to them.

The walls of the three unit block have deep cracks and the roof has been ripped-off, making learning challenging. Sankpala is a community in the central Gonja District of the Northern Region. The only Junior High School, which serves the community and other nearby communities is in a terrible state.

Since its construction a decade ago, the school has not had any rehabilitation and is on the verge of collapsing.  Teachers and parents are worried about the situation.

Speaking to Zaa news, the proprietor of Islamic education in the school, Mr. Mohammed Seidu said the dangerous nature of the block is worrisome.

The Chairman of the Parents Teacher Association PTA of the school, Mr.Ibrahim Haruna bemoaned the poor nature of the school, as it affects teaching and learning. According to him, they have made several complaints to the DCE of the area to no avail.



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