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We need development and jobs, NPP youth in Galwei cry out

President Akufo Addo

Aggrieved New Patriotic Party (NPP) youth in the Galwei zone of the Gushiegu constituency have expressed dissatisfaction at the lack of development projects in the community.

At a press conference organized by the executives of the Galwei zone, the secretary, Mr. Iddrisu Baba Yussif disclosed that there are insufficient CHIPs compounds in the area and has called on the authorities to consider putting up a modern health facility to serve as a referral center to handle more complicated cases.

Mr. Iddrisu further revealed that due to the bad nature of the roads in the area, pregnant mothers often suffer miscarriages as they are compelled to travel at far distances to seek medical treatment.

“We travel far distances to either Savelugu or Tamale for minor cases like blood transfusion or drips which could be taken care of if we had such facilities. Our pregnant mothers and wives suffer miscarriages as a result of bad roads and the far distance they travel before they get to the health centers”, Mr. Iddrisu fumed.

According to them, both the MCE, Issah Musah, the Member of Parliament for Gusheigu constituency, Dr. Ziblim Iddi and the constituency executives of the party have all neglected and rejected the party youth and the communities in the constituency at large.

They also expressed disappointment over the delays in connecting the rest of the communities aside Zinindo and Galwei to the national grid.

On the government’s flagship project — the one village one dam — the youth said only Bilsing-a out of 14 communities in a predominantly farming zone has benefited from the project. This, they termed as an abysmal performance and a sign of incompetence.

“The zone comprises of 14 communities, out of these, only two, that is Zinindo and Galwei were connected to the national grid by the previous NPP and NDC administrations. If the youth chased that government out of power for being ‘incompetent’. What do you think they would do to us for not adding even a single community?” He quizzed.

On the issue of job opportunities, the NPP youth in the area said not a single person has benefited from any of government’s flagship programs such as the Planting for Food and Jobs, NABCO, 1D 1F among others.

Touching on the educational sector, the youth disclosed to Zaa News that students still sit under trees to study with little or no modern teaching equipments to aid in teaching and learning.

They hinted at advising themselves if the MP, Dr. Ziblim Iddi does not ensure immediate action is taking to curb the suffering of the people in the communities.

However, all efforts to get the MCE, Mr. Issah Musah and Dr. Iddi to respond to the allegations leveled against them have proven futile.


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