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1080 students to take part in 2014 Independence Day parade in Tamale


Thirty  Primary, Junior and Senior High Schools in the Tamale Metropolis will be taken part in the 57th Independence Day celebration in the northern regional capital Tamale on Thursday after weeks of intensive rehearsals in various schools.

Three hundred and sixty pupils from 12 primary schools in the Tamale metropolis are also to take part in the March pass at the Tamale Jubilee Park on 6th March day.

The number also includes 360 JHS and SHS students and their teachers. In all one hundred and eighty students from the basic, junior high and second cycle institutions as well as the physically-challenged students and hundreds of contingents from the Police, Military, Fire Service, Immigration, Prisons will be on parade.

In 2012, over 130 pupils and security personnel collapsed across the country, while on parade for the celebration of Ghana’s 55th Independence Anniversary Celebration.

Fifty collapsed at Mandela Park in Ashaiman; 51 in Koforidua, 23 in Cape Coast, 13 in Tamale and four at Nsawam. In 2013, over 120 people collapsed at the independence parade across the country.

Reports say most of the casualties were as a result of the scorching sun and the fact that some school children had not taken their breakfast before being sent to the various parade grounds.

But speaking to Zaa News, Public Relations Officer at the Tamale metropolitan education directorate, Mr Fuseini Mohammed said the March pass will start at exactly 7:30am local time at the Jubilee Park in order not to let the school children suffer the scorching sun.  

The PRO assured parents and teachers of adequate security and that the directorate expects all teachers to be with their pupils throughout the process.

The day has been declared a statutory public holiday. It is an anniversary marking Ghana’s 57 years of freedom from the colonial rule.

A statement signed by the Interior, Kwesi Ahwoi said the day is a statutory public holiday and should be observed as such throughout the country.

 The celebration will be marked with a March pass and display by students at the various regional and district capitals during which the regional ministers and metropolitan, municipal and district chief executives will preside over.  




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