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Community Block flow of water to adjoining communities


The chiefs and people of Bognayili in the Kumbungu District of Northern Region have refused the connection of pipe born water from Kochin to Chishagu in the Tolon Kumbungu District of Northern Region.

This was revealed by the District Chief Executive (DCE) for Kumbungu, Alhassan Musah when Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna met with Directors and staff of decentralized department in the Kumbungu District Assembly.

According to the DCE water pipes have being laid from Kochin to Chishagu a distance of three kilo metres to provide portable water to communities in the area at the cost of GHC 65,000.00.

Mr. Musah said five stand pipes have been erected for the flow of water to the communities but the Assembly met resistance from the chiefs and people of Bognayili who he said claimed that their water pressure will be affected.

He therefore appealed to the Regional Minister to intervene for the flow of water to the affected communities adding that “no scientific prove from the Ghana Water Company confirmed the allegation.” 

The DCE also complained that the contractor who is awarded the execution of the Assembly Office Complex has abandoned the work and they are renting the premises of the Opportunity Industrialization Centre (OIC) which cost them substantial amount of money.

At the palace of chief of Kumbungu the Regional Minster appealed to chiefs and traditional rulers to find a way of inculcating discipline among the youth saying that traditional rulers are the custodians of the rich tradition and culture and the youth need to have to appreciate that.

He narrated an incidence where ‘a youth of Kumbungu called me at around five oclock in the morning, and when I told him that it  was a wrong time to call him, he cut off the line and sent me a text message describing me as a fool’.

The Minister lamented that such uncouth behavior was not known in the Region and warned that” if you fail to bring them to order I will do that on your behalf and will not accept any apology or intercession from any elder or religious leaders”.

On the road construction from Tamale to Kumbungu, Alhaji Limuna said indiscipline of drivers hinders the progress of work saying that”they do not obey road construction signs and the workers fear for their lives and appealed to the chiefs to invite drivers plying the road and talk to them.

He stated that Northern Region is one of the poorest in the country” yet we are indulge in indiscipline and creating unnecessary tension denying us development in the Region’

The Chief of Kumbungu, Na Abu Yiri the second, commended government for creating the new Kumbungu District and the numerous developments going on in the area.

He assured the Minister of his cooperation to ensure the smooth administration of government and the Regional Coordinating Council.

The Minister paid courtesy calls on the chiefs of Dalun and Vogu in the Kumbungu District.




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