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Invest in individuals & not institutions-Business consultant tells gov’t


A Business Consultant and the Chief Executive Officer of Zaa Radio, Alhaji Mohammed Ibn Umar has advised government of Ghana not to invest in institutions but rather empower individuals with the necessary financial support to establish their own businesses.

Investing in state institutions, according to him, will go into wrong hands and entrepreneur oriented people will continue to struggle.

 Alhaji Ibn Umar who spends over 30 years working in the United Stated of America  observed that if monies are put into the hands of institutions, people the citizenry don’t take it serious about what is going on, but if money are put into the individuals, small business people they will make that ensure there is value for money.  

Briefing the journalists on the second Zaa Radio Entrepreneurship and Investment annual month schedule on 9th and 10th December in Tamale, Alhaji Umar said though government has set up institutions to help the north emphases must be on individuals. On graduate’s unemployment, Alhaji Umar urged graduates to self reliance and relay on government to provide jobs. ’’You don’t go to school only to come out hitting your shoe pavement looking for job; you can be self reliant’’ he advised.

The business consultant however blamed the situation on Ghana colonial masters (Britain) who he said unfortunately thought to come out looking for job unlike American system where students thought to be self reliant.

Explaining the rationale behind the annual conference to journalists, the passionate and proud Dagomba business consultant of international repute   said northern region has numerous business potentials which need to exploit to the benefit of the people.

The Mole national park in Damongo, cement and agriculture potentials among others and if harness will uplift the region internationally.

The annual conference Alhaji Ibn Umar said intend creating a dialogue that engaged leaders from business sector, politicians to help address economic, political and social problems confronting northern region.

Zaa Radio, the CEO said will use its medium to advocate   for the business people to interact with their clients on air and also deal with the government. Zaa Radio is ready to work with any organization, individual and any media to make effort in a number of areas that will benefit   the northern region Alhaji Ibn Umar assured.






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