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President's nominee for Kumbungu DCE confirmed


After the back and forth protestations against the nomination and subsequent confirmation of the president nominee for District Chief Executive position (DCE) for Kumbungu, members of the assembly on Wednesday confirmed Alhaji Iddi Msnza Mahama.

 Prior to his re-nomination by the president, John Dramani Mahama, youth groups and unknown traditional rulers vehemently rejected his nomination. Not even ‘sponsored press conferences’ changed the president's mind to withdraw the nominee.

Those protesting against his re-nomination were of the view that Alhaji Iddi Manza lacked leadership skills to hold the newly created district and others especially, some NDC members accused him of causing the party to lose both Tolon seat in 2012 elections and Kumbungu seat during the by-election.

The opponents of the nominee somehow succeeded in convincing many in the area which manifested in the nominee first confirmation ceremony amidst accusations of bribery of some assembly members.  

But supporters of the nominee believe the re-nomination of Alhaji Iddi Manza Mahama indicates that the president has confidence in the nominee.

Alhaji Iddi Manza Mahama was to be confirmed on February 10, 2014, but failed to get the required 2/3 votes of the members.  

The nominee polled 20 out of 35 assembly members on the first time which left many NDC regional executives and the regional minister very disappointed.

Prominent chiefs such as the Chief of Vogu, Naa Alhaji M.B. Bawa who is the member of the council of state representing the northern region passionately appeals to all assembly members to consider the development of the area first rather than their personal interest.

The honorable members confirmed the president's nominee on Wednesday February 19. Alhaji Iddi Manza polled 23 out of 35 representing 67.6 percent.

The northern regional minister, Bede Ziedeng after the confirmation, thanked the assembly members for listening to several appeals for them to confirm the president nominee. He said he will personally monitor the activities in the district to ensure that perceived factions in the area don’t manifest in the discharge of the DCE's duties.

The northern regional minister urged residents in the Kumbungu district to bury their differences and forge ahead for the development of the area.

The DCE elect, Alhaji Iddi Manza Mahama also thanked all the major stakeholders for their efforts that have led to his confirmation.

The Convention peoples party Member of Parliament for the area Moses Amadu Yahaya said the DCE for Kumbunngu was long overdue and expressed the hope that development of area will move faster now that the nominee has been confirmed.


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