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Tamale international airport is on course-Transport minister


The President, John Dramani Mahama will on Tuesday cut sod for the official commencement for work to begin for upgrading the Tamale international airport.

The Tamale airport when completed will be the second international airport in Ghana after Kotoka international airport in the nation’s capital Accra.

Pilgrimages from Northern, Upper East, Upper West, Bron Ahafo regions will leave for Tamale to Saudi Arabia direct, Transport Minister Dzifa Ativor has said.

The long waited international airport when completed will also help smooth transportation of perishable goods produce by the Savanna Accelerated Development Authority (SADA).

 The minister of transport Dzifa Ativor announced this on Sunday at rally organized by the newly elected executives of the Tamale central constituency.

The minister said international airport will definitely materialized and urged the people in the northern region to make good use of the opportunity.

The transport minister said upgrading of the Tamale airport forms part of the NDC government better Ghana agenda promised Ghanaians.

The minister of roads and high, Alhaji Inusah Fuseini commended both old and new the executives for their initiatives and urged them to work together to ensure victory of the NDC come 2016 general elections.

Alhaji Zaapayim in NDC paraphernalia, regional treasury Tanko Abdul Rashid net to him, Dzifa Ativor with Microphone, NDC regional youth organizer, Alhaji Mohammed Amin holding paper and the Tamale central member of parliament and roads and highway minister, Alhaji Inusah Fusein far left.  




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