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Tolon assembly institutes committee to address Kayaye menace


The Tolon District Assembly has instituted a committee to look into the Head-Potting [Kayaye] menace in the district. The kayaye phenomenon was common in the Tolon district where young girls migrate from the area to the south in search of non-existing jobs.

These young girls go through strenuous and hazardous conditions which end them being without any better places to sleep. 

It is against this backdrop that the assembly is putting in place measures to curb the situation. The Tolon assembly is attributing the kayaye menace to the inability of parents to support the girl-child’s education, the absence of role models in the communities, peer pressure, and ignorance.

At the inauguration of the committee in Tolon, the District Chief Executive for the area Seidu Abukari said the suffering these girls go through in the cities and towns include contracting sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV and AIDS. This canker, Mr Abukari stressed needs to be stopped.

The chairperson of the Tolon District Assembly Kayaye Committee, Hajia Azara Mahamadu thanked the assembly and the DCE for instituting a committee to deal with the issue and assured that her outfit will do all it could to reduce the Kayaye in Tolon district.

By;Ibrahim Dikunyalala/




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