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SADA board chair person calls for an end to gender discrimination


The board chair person for the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) Mrs Angelina Mona Domakyaareh has called for an end to gender discrimination in the society.

The practices where girls wash the dishes while the boys play football she said re-enforces the notion that the woman place in the home is in the kitchen while the men remain the breadwinner of the family.

Mrs Angilena Domakyaareh said the practice has led to girls dropping out of schools while their male counterparts pursue their carriers to the highest academic ladder.

Delivering a lecture on the topic; ’’Re-examing Gender Perspectives in Youth Leadership for Accelerated National Development: looking beyond the present’’ the SADA board chair said, gender bias has adverse effects on business and education and the society as whole.
She added that the society should avoid saying the woman job is to stay at home and take care of the children both in good and in bad health. When the child is sick, it is the woman that is suppose to take the child to the hospital and not the man and there is not thing that says if a man takes a child to the hospital he will lose his manhood.

On gender neutrality in the society, Mrs. Angelina Domakyaareh who was a former deputy commissioner for Commission on Human Rights and Administrative justice said women are not only discriminated against their beauty or little provocative but also discriminated against for not beauty enough.

The gender neutrality as she said often renders women distinctive circumstances quit invisible, irrelevant and even inappropriate.
The expectation of been more like the masculine model for leadership require by many co-operations which women at all with gendar neutrality theory, boys are thought to play games whilst girls are thought to play with dolls.

Mrs Angelina Domakyaareh also lamented about the discrimination of women in the work place. The Acting Chief Executive for the National Youth Authority (NYA), Ras Mubarik explained that the lecture forms part of a series of lectures of NYA in the country to restore patriotism into the Ghanaian society.

The NYA CEO said a generation of unpatriotic young and women could lead to falling apart of any country if is nothing done about it.
’’A generation of unpatriotic men and women could lead to the falling apart of any country if nothing is done about it’’, Ras Mubarak warns.

The NYA has observed with great sadness and pain the gradually disappearance of the spirit of patriotism and selflessness among Ghanaians, especially young people in our country. Volunteerism among the youth NYA CEO observed is at all time low and indiscipline seems to be taken on many of the youth.

Trying to build a strong democracy Mr Mubarak said should not happen at the expense of patriotism. He said, the quest of rapid economic growth and development, the quest of academic excellence should be accompany with the quest for moral development and patriotism.

’’It will come to time when every country history is when the people have to turn challenges into opportunities; that time is now’’ Ras Mubarak challenged the youth.

The public lecture NYA CEO said will help the chiefs, elders, academia, young people and the media to reflect what each one of them, opt to do to become faithful to Ghana.


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