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Be Disciplined and Patriotic in Paying Your Bills, 6th BN Commanding Officer Tells Civilian


The Out-going Commanding Officer (C.O) of the 6th Infantry Battalion (6BN), Lieutenant Colonel William Kwabiah has appealed to the people of the northern region to be disciplined and patriotic, by paying their electricity bills on time.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Kwabiah, it is only when consumers pay their bills on time that the Northern Electricity Department (NEDCO) can deliver uninterrupted services to them and also use its profit to help society.

The outgoing 6th BN Commanding Officer believed the prompt payment of bills will help the power company to use of its proceeds to help improve the welfare of society.

Lieutenant Colonel William Kwabiah made the appeal after the NEDCO handed over a refurbished Male and Female Officers’ Ward, undertaken at a cost GH₵40,000, to the Hospital (MRS) of the 6th Infantry Battalion (6BN) at Kamina barracks in Tamale.

The facility, which was the V.I.P ward of officers, was in a deplorable state and did not befit the status of the officers.

The Out-going 6th BN C.O regretted that NEDCO is struggling to break-even due to the non-payment of bills and power thefts.  

The NEDCO Director of Services, David Adomako-Mensah, who handed over the refurbished ward, on behalf of the NEDCO MD Frank Akligo, told officers at the Kamina barracks that, NEDCO is currently waging a war on power thefts and has arraigned a good number of culprits before court but some have refused to show up.

NEDCO, Mr Adomako-Mensah said, is relying on the police to effect arrest and may call on the military to support in arresting power theft customers.

But Lieutenant Colonel William Kwabiah assured NEDCO that the military is ready, able and willing to support NEDCO to recover monies lost through either power thefts or non-payment of bills.

NEDCO in the past, Mr Adomako-Mensah said, supported the military in the provision of water reservoir systems for the hospital, support in completing a three- unit classroom block with an office for Kamina Basic School.  

This, he explained, was because the military is sharing its educational and health facilities with civilians and communities.

 Lieutenant Colonel William Kwabiah corroborated with NEDCO and recounted that the academic performance of Kamina Barracks basic schools has improved from 2014 to 2017.

According to him, Kamina Barracks JHS recorded-89% passes in the 2014 B.E.C.E, -99% in 2015and in 2016 and 2017, they recorded 100%.

On health, the outgoing 6BN Commanding Officer commended NEDCO for their tremendous effort in putting the ward into good shape.

The next priority of the military, Lieutenant Colonel William Kwabiah said, is to get a theatre attached to the Kamina hospital to enable them to improve overall healthcare delivery.


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