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Chiefs in Tamale to invoke gods on criminals


Traditional rulers in Tamale have hinted that they will invoke the powers of gods on criminals who are bent of tarnishing the image of Tamale. 

The chiefs say the recent motor snatchings and killings are worrying and warned the perpetrators to desist from it or face the wrath of the gods in Tamale. The chiefs’ comment follows the recent killings of a trained teacher and two others who sustained gunshot injuries in Tamale.

The Tamale Dakpema, Naa Alhassan Mohammed Dawuni who was visibly angry about the incidents said he together with the Gulkpe Naa Alhaji Abdulai Alhassan will collaborate to address the issue. 

Naa Alhassan Dawuni appealed to butchers who trade outskirts of Tamale to alert the communities about the criminal activities which normally occur outside Tamale.

Naa Alhassan Dawuni described the gun shooting phenomenon as heinous crime and that such activities are strange   to the customs and traditions of Dagbon and he therefore called on everyone to help the chiefs in dealing with the criminals.





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