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The mentally ill only need love and compassion-Urologist


A Urologist and a friend to the mentally disturbed in the Northern Region Dr David Abdulai has urged Ministry Of Health and the Ghana Health Service to encourage more people to go into psychiatry nursing.  

He said government health facilities across Ghana are in dire need of psychiatry nurses especially, the Community Health Improvement Planning Services (CHIPS) compounds in the rural areas.

The Urologist who is popularly called ‘Dr Choggu’ said government needs enough psychiatry nurses to take care of the mentally ill who are roaming in the streets of Tamale and other major cities.

Dr David Abdulai who has been offering free medical treatment to the mentally ill and hernia diagnosed people in the Northern Region said the country needs what he calls outreach nurses to take care of them.

The Urologist attributed the mental health situation in Ghana to too much stress. He was speaking in an interview with Zaa News. Dr Abdulai is the only medical philanthropist providing medical services to residents in the North for over three decades.

His hospital located at Gurugu, a suburb of Tamale, was flooded with all manner of ill people including the mentally ill.

On whether Ghana needs professional counselors for the mentally disturbed, Dr David Abdulai said what the mentally ill need are compassion and love which he said are worth more than counseling and treatment.





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