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Corruption is evil and sinful-Zan Akologo


Executive Secretary of the Human Development of Ghana National Catholic Bishops Conference, Samuel Zan Akologo says the biggest challenge facing Ghana’s effort in combating corruption is that perpetrators deny wrongdoing.

The show proof system Ghana has adopted, Mr Zan said, is derailing the country’s effort in curbing corruption menace in Ghana and policy makers and anti-corruption agencies must look at it critically.

The show proof or evidence-based syndrome, according to Mr Zan, is discouraging people from discussing corruption and gathering courage to report corrupt practices in the work place and in communities.

Speaking on the topic; Manifestations of corruption in everyday life: How do we confront it, at the 21ST Denmark Seminar of Ghana Developing Communities Associations in Dalun, Mr Zan  lamented about the get-rich over night by political actors with no explanation of source of wealth and poor service delivery of teachers, doctors, nurses and civil servants.

Pointing out manifestation of corruption to participants at the two-day GDCA-Denmark seminar, Mr Zan Akologo urged the citizenry to be a look out of people who take public properties and use them for private gains.

On how to address corruption in the country, Mr Zan calls for more sensitizatation of Ghanaians on corruption. He said corruption has gone beyond political space but even in the communities where some traditional rulers sell traditional artifacts and lands. ’’I have seen an artifact from northern region in Euro and I know it was sold by a traditional authority’’ Mr Zan revealed.  

He continues; corruption stems from acts of darkness and that its evil, sin and we cannot deceive ourselves; we need prayers to be able to remove it out from the society. The Catholic Bishop Conference executive secretary also describes corruption as evil and calls for serious prayers to help curb corruption menace in the country adding that the Catholic Church has taken a lead role by prayer on daily bases for God to scrap corruption completely in the country.  

The Ghana Developing Communities Association (GDCA) set aside a period in each year to deliberate on issues affecting the organization and the society in general. A seminar entitled; Denmark Seminar which is a 30-year- old tradition was established between GDCA and its Danish counterparts in Denmark, the Ghana Friendship Group in Denmark (GV). The hosting of the seminar circulates among the beneficiary districts and topics in each year are selected based on priority of GDCA and interest to the beneficiary communities and the nation as a whole. This year’s Denmark seminar held in Dalun is being hosted by the chiefs and people of Cheriponi.

It brought together traditional rulers, academia and civil society organizations to deliberate on the menace of corruption in the country. This year’s seminar is on the theme;’ Corruption: Perception or reality’.

The selection of corruption organizers say was borne out of numerous corruption issues that have engulfed the country in recent times. Board chairman of Simli radio, Alhaji Baba spoke on behalf of the chairman of GDCA, Gushee Naa Professor Abukari Alhassan said issues of corruption is high everyday and as a developmental civil society organization has a responsibility to educate the people about the menace. Alhaji Baba noted that the effect of corruption cannot sit aloof.


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