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Deplorable roads are taken tolls of our vehicles-NGOs in the N/R cry


The deplorable road network in the northern region continues to hinder development partners’ efforts in supporting the rural people.  The nongovernmental organizations operating in the rural communities say the, bad nature of roads are taken a toll on their vehicles and urge government to intensify its effort in making the roads motorable in the region.

The Ghana Developing Communities Association (GDCA)  which started in Dalun as Ghana Danish Community Program (GDCP) says the deplorable nature of roads in their operational areas have increased rate of wear-and-tear on their vehicles resulting in high repairs and maintenance cost.

GDCA expresses the hope that, government after recognizing the critical role they play in supporting the rural people will turn a listening ear to the road network in the region.

Addressing delegates at its 30th Annual General Meeting in Dalun in the Kumbungu district, the Vice Chairman of GDCA, Alhaji Abdulai Mohammed Baba underscored the importance of Tamale-Nawuni road not only to GDCA but also to Tamale and communities along the road.

In spite of the challenges during the year under review, Alhaji Baba said GDCA has been able to improve many lives with programs and project interventions and services.

More than 10 thousand children have become functionally literate, enabling them to enroll in the formal school to have education.

 For development work to be successful people must co-exist peacefully, therefore, GDCA instituted a committee called Dagbon peace initiative.

The committee according to Alhaji Baba during the year under review met all functions of the Dagbon chieftaincy divide where absolute and sustainable peace was discussed. Entrench positions by both sides he said were also identified and all efforts were be made to let cool-heads to prevail.  



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