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Tamale is a place for commercial center of the north-President Mahama


Government has announced that it will continue all abandon projects by successive governments across the country. According to government, a lot of tax payer’s money has been sunk into those projects and need not to be abandoned.  

It said it has the constitutional mandate to complete every abandon projects since Nkrumah regime. The president John Mahama described the development as sad history of Ghana and that the NDC government will do its best to reverse the trend.

Addressing a durbar of chiefs and people of northern region to re-cut sod for construction of Aboabo super market in Tamale, President Mahama said Tamale is a commercial city of the north and has the potential of bringing traders from neighboring cities such as Techiman in the  Brong and Ahafo region. 

The market according to the president will have two story block of 92 lockable stores and hundred and twenty shops for super market activities. The market will also be a main trading area for shea nut and other cereals.

The Aboabo market according to the president under a pilot of five model market governments is constructing in five locations in the country.

The Kapkagyili market joint popularly call ‘Kakpag Danoli’ the president said will be modernized to befit the Tamale metropolis.  ’’So this is going to be a very driven commercial center for business activities in the region’’ the president noted.

Construction of model markets president said was to prevent markets from being guttered with fire which the country has experienced because they were not constructed properly.

The president has also directed all metropolitan, municipal and district chief executives to take advantage of the model markets and use it to build modern once for the people.






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