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Updates of gunshot; teacher charge for attempted murder &illegal possession of fire arm


The Tamale magistrate Court presided over by His Lordship Mr Anthony Essah has remanded a 33-year-old Abdallah Abdul Razak, a teacher at the Tamale Gumani Methodist Junior High School into prison custody.

He was charged provisionally for illegal possession of fire arm without lawful authority and attempted murder. Abdallah Abdul Razak will reappear on the 19th of January for the commencement of his trial.

On the second of January 2015, at about 4pm there was a wedding football match at the Tamale polytechnic park. During the match, an argument ensued between Razak and one Mutala and in attempt to separate the two; Razak vented his anger on the victim by name Musah.

After the incident at the Tamale polytechnic football field, Razak went to his house, picked a locally manufactured pistol with BB cartridges and reportedly shot Musah.

Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Ebenezer Tetteh, the Northern Regional Police Public Relations Officer of the Ghana police service told Zaa News the Musah was rush to the Tamale teaching Hospital where the piles were removed. “This was criminal offence, the intent was there, he plan it and executed his plan, so people should allow him to answer for his action’’ ASP Tetteh stated.

The family of the complainant (Musah), earlier in an interview with Zaa News warned politicians in Tamale to abandon their intension of bailing Razak because it will spark violence in the area.

But ASP Tetteh allayed the fears of Musah’s family that the case will be treated as a criminal act, adding that the intent of Razak was there and that he planned and executed his plan. 


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