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Teacher arrested over gunshot


The family of a 25-year-old Shahadu Musah in Chogu Yapalisi of the Sagnarigu district in the Northern Region who escaped death has warned politicians in Tamale to stop any attempt to bail a 33 year-old Abdallah  Abdul Razak who nearly killed their son.

Shahadu was allegedly shot at the back with a local manufactured gun by one Abdul Razak, a teacher at Gumani Methodist Junior High school last Friday at about 7pm after a wedding football match at Tamale Polytechnic Park.  The victim incurred Razak’s displeasure when he tried separating him from a fight that ensued between Razak and one of the players at the park.

Razak who was not satisfied with his action at the park called Shahadu in the area and warned him never to interfere in any fight he (Razak) is involved in.

At about 7pm Friday, the suspect took the victim and his friends by surprise at their usual base along Northern School of Business road when the suspect appeared with a gun and before they realized he opened fire wounding Musah.

According to the family, Razak after carrying out the heinous act reported himself to the Sakasaka police station where he was arrested and detained.

Speaking to Zaa News, Musah’s father, Afa Shahadu expressed shock at the behavior of some politicians in the northern region who always want to defend people who commit criminal acts.

He said, his son was saved by Allah and that he will pursue the matter in court should the politicians have their way in bailing Razak.

According to him, it is not only the family who are sharing the pain but that the people in the area are angry and any attempt to release Razak could spark violence in Chogu Yapalisi. Meanwhile, the victim has been discharged from the Tamale Teaching Hospital.



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