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“Mahama Camboo” operators dare taxi drivers to continue their strike


Operators of tricycle motor bikes in Tamale are daring the angry taxi drivers in the metropolis, who went on a sit-down strike to continue with their strike. Ironically, the sit-down strike by the taxi drivers, the tricycle operators said, boosted their business on Tuesday. imageAccording to them, their daily earnings multiplied beyond their imagination and they wished the taxi drivers’ strike had lasted a week so that they could buy more tricycles to transport the people of Tamale and its surrounding communities.

They have also accused the taxi divers of trying to thwart the government effort of reducing unemployment in the country. “You people said there is no job and when government created the jobs, you are complaining again, why?” a rider asked.

The “Mahama Camboo,” as it is popularly called, became part of the inter-city transport system through the Microfinance and Small Loans Center (MASLOC), a government agency that is providing support for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

The “Mahama Camboos” and motor kings were loaned to some youth for 12,800 Ghana cedis. While taxi drivers charged one Ghana cedi, the tricycle operators started charging between 50 to 70 pesewas, depending on the distance.

However, some taxi drivers described their operations as illegal and that their activities contravened the road safety regulations and want the police to stop them. But speaking to Zaa News, some of the tricycle operators say the accusations by the taxi drivers are baseless and unfounded.

For patrons of the tricycle operators, the taxi drivers are being jealous and fear competition, adding that the tricycles are more convenient and less costly than the taxi.

The tricycle the commuters said go to areas where taxi drivers cannot or refuse to go and that they will continue to patronize their services.

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