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Tamasco SHS gets gifts of computers and accessories from 1990 year group


The 1990 year group of the Old Tamale Senior High School Association –TAMASCO — has donated computers and its accessories worth thousands of Ghana cedis to the School.
The items donated to the school include 20 desktop computers, 20 Ups, 3 blowers, 1 printer and 1 scanner to assist the ICT department of the school.

Mr. Yahaya Zakaria Osman, Chairman of the 1990 year group indicated that the donation will go a long way to help in the delivery of ICT to the students. Mr Osman said the support was helpful to students especially in the wake of current debate to make ICT an examinable subject at the senior high school level. “So we think as old students ‘we should put our school in readiness when the time comes,”Mr Osman added.

He also appealed to other year groups of the school to come to the aid of the school, saying it is only the old students who can help the school because government cannot do everything.

The Head master of the school, Alhaji T.A.Mahama was grateful for the support and described the donation as very timely. According the headmaster said “since we are in the ICT era and the use of ICT to acquire knowledge, impact knowledge is the order of the day, the donation will enhance teaching and learning in the school.”

He indicated that the school is facing some challenges and running an institution like this requires human resource as well as financial resources. However, he pointed out, the embargo on recruitment has left the school with a skeleton staff which has been made worse by the retirement of teachers and others who have left the system completely. He said the school needs new staff to replace those who have left the system.
He also hinted that because the school is expanding and there is pressure on enrolment , the school still needs an additional 6 classroom blocks and an additional dormitory block to be able to accommodate students who come from far and near. TAMASCO, Alhaji Mahama said is one of the biggest in the Northern Region but its limited resources is putting serious pressure on the few facilities.image

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