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Kobilmahigu Primary School turns a death trap for pupils and teachers


The Kobilmahigu E/A English and Arabic Primary School in the Tolon District have turned into a death trap for pupils and their teachers. The 3-unit classroom block is in a bad state with deep cracks in the building coupled with the unfriendly floors of the classrooms are disturbing enough to make learning uncomfortable due to lack of maintenance.

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Chairman of the school Iddrisu Alhassan expressed fears that pupils and teachers in the school lives are in danger, especially during this torrential rain period in the northern region.

He revealed that the school, which serves Kobilmahigu, Botingli, Bantoroyili and a number of communities in Tali Electoral Area in the Tolon District, has not seen any maintenance since it was built over a decade ago.

Mr Alhassan said apart from the dilapidated state, the three-unit classroom block is not sufficient to accommodate all the classes resulting to the combination of pupils in the Kindergarten (KG) 1, 2 and Class 1 in one classroom, Classes 2 and 3 in another and the last Classroom for the 3 upper primary classes.

This, he said, makes teaching and learning ineffective. He said called on the Tolon District Assembly to help address the challenge has yielded no results yet.

The PTA chairman is therefore appealing to the Tolon District Assembly, central government and NGOs to use the COVID-19 break to at least renovate the dilapidated classroom block before school resumes next year as directed by the president.

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