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NDC Tamale North parliamentary candidate donates 100 bags of cement to his alma mater


The governing National Democratic Congress parliamentary candidate for Tamale North, Mr Alhassan Sayibu Suhiyini has presented hundred bags of cement to the Saint Gabriel International Kindergarten Primary School located at the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Choggu where he obtained his elementary education.

The cement worth three thousand three hundred Ghana cedis ( GH¢ 3,300) was to help the school authority construct a classroom block with an Information Communication Technology (ICT) for the children to acquire computer skills.

In addition, the cement will also help the school improve upon its infrastructural needs. Alhaji Suhiyini made the presentation during the celebration of the school’s 50 years anniversary.

Mr Alhassan Haggai, the Tamale North constituency chairman of the NDC, made the presentation on behalf of Alhaji Suhiyini. He told parents and authorities of the school that the presentation was not for politics but was to contribute Alhaji Suhiyini’s quota to a school that laid his academic foundation.

After winning the primaries, Alhaji Suhini has assisted the constituency in the area of access roads and loans from the Micro-Finance and Small Loans Center( MASLOC) and payment of tuition fees for students in the area.

The Chairman of the Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A) of Saint Gabriel’s KG, Mr Salifu Sulemana on behalf of parents thanked Mr Suhiyini for responding to their request when the school wrote to organizations and individuals for support.

Mr S.S as he popularly called said Suhiyini is the first to respond to their request and urged others emulate his kind gesture.

The Acting Regional Manager of Catholic Schools, Madam Joyce Sarah Sumani expressed her gratitude for the support and promised that the cement will be used for its intended purpose.

He has really proved the school has laid a strong foundation for his academic endeavor, May God richly blessed him so that in future he gets more and comes to help, Madam Sumani said.

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