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Accept “Kayayes” who returned to your communities – NR Minister


Northern regional Minister, Salifu Saeed has advised the public to desist from despising Kayayes in their communities. According to the minister, someone coming from the southern sector does not mean he/she has the covid virus.

Many people has raised concerns about why kayayes who hail from the Northern part of Ghana who are returning home due to a partial lockdown enforced at Accra, Tema and Kumasi are allowed into the region.

Most people in the North are of the view that, these Kayayes might be carriers of the deadly corona virus since they have not been tested before leaving home.

However, speaking on Zaa radio this afternoon, Northern Regional minister Mr. Salifu Saeed cautioned those who discriminate against these people to desist from that, indicating, “they are our own”.

He said those who have not been allowed to come back home will be taken care of by the government wherever they are and urge the public to accept and relate with those who are already home.

In these trying times of Covid 19 across the world, migrants especially kayeyes who moved from the North to the South of Ghana are most vulnerable since most of them do not have places to sleep. The best option would be for them to return home as they rely on menial jobs to survive which is non-existent anymore due to the partial lockdown in the two major cities of Ghana.

Source: Ghana/Tamale/ Biawurbi

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