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Allow peace to prevail-President urges families in Dagbon



President John Dramani Mahama has made a passionate appeal to the two families in the Dagbon chieftaincy divide to allow peace to prevail in the Dagbon kingdom.

Mr Mahama made the appeal when he paid a courtesy call on the Regent of Dagbon, Kampakuya Naa Andani Abdulai Yakubu at the Gbewa palace in Yendi as part of his accounting to the people tour.

President Mahama commended the Regent for superintending over a kingdom which he noted is currently enjoying peace and urged all families in the Yendi affairs to let peace prevail for the interest of development.

He observed that if the people of Dagbon allow peace to prevail, Dagbon will be the most prosperous traditional kingdom in the whole of Ghana assuring that justice will be done.

“I believe that we must do right by our fathers who have departed and if God permit for their funerals rites to be perform, it will be done,” the president said.

“God has blessed us with fertile land, sun shine, abundant water and beautiful vegetation and as the president and also the Maligu-Naa of Dagbon, am committed in ensuring peace in the region,” Mr Mahama continued.

Yendi water problem

The president said his government has received finance to find lasting solution to Yendi’s perennial water crisis. He told residents that government is taking the water problem to cabinet and parliament and once cabinet oaks it, work will commence on a water expansion system.

Elections are coming

Government says Ghanaians will go to the polls as planned by the electoral commission. President John Dramani Mahama told a durbar of chiefs at the Gbewa Palace in Yendi that, the election will come on in November or December depending on what parliament decides.

President said his government is prepared and the country is prepared and once parliament passes the constitutional instrument to amend the constitution bill on Election Day, it will be held on the agreed day.

“We have made the resources available and will continue to make resources available to the electoral commission because the elections are the future of Ghana’s democracy,” president Mahama assured the overlord of Dagbon and chiefs and people of Yendi.

He was optimistic that with massive investment in social and economic infrastructure across the length and breadth of the country, Ghanaians will give him their mandate in the November elections.

No freeze for recruitment on education and health sectors

Touching on employment, president Mahama said nearly half a million Ghanaians will found employment in most of the construction sites ongoing in the country.

He mentioned masons, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, welders, engineers among others are working. The construction industry alone, president said has created nearly half a million jobs over the last three and half years. He also maintained that his government has not placed a freeze on employment in education and health sectors and that qualified people are being employed.

According to him, 2,500 mathematics and science teachers have been recruited into the Ghana education service. Work, he added has been completed on a batch of nurses to be employed with final accreditation of the professional bodies underway.

The finance ministry, he added, has already granted financial clearance and posting will soon start. Government, he said, is increasing the number of new hospital beds by 6 000 and by extension 12 000 jobs have been created in the health sector because every new hospital bed leads to the employment of two nurses.

The community day senior high schools also created more jobs because more teachers are being employed. One hundred and twenty three (123) are on currently being constructed and when completed will create 184,000 jobs. He summed up NDC government’s creation of the Youth Employment Agency (YEA) and urged the youth to take advantage of all the models to better their lives.

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