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CSOs calls for AU&ECOWAS intervention to stop illegal rosewood logging


The Civil Society Organizations(CSOS) have called on the international community to impose sanctions and restrictions on companies and individuals engaging in illegal rosewood products.

Lead body, the Baobab Market made up of CSOs with support from Star Ghana Foundation believes that the intervention by regional bodies such as African Union(AU), ECOWAS, bilateral and Multi-lateral partners and the world Bank will put a stop to the continue illegal logging of rosewood in northern Ghana.

The CSOs , while calling on regional bodies also urged Ghana’s ministry of lands, natural resources and forestry commission to commit to the ban on illegal rosewood trade.

They demand that the sector ministry outlawed issuances of salvage permits to companies, enforce the law against the felling of trees in the forest reserve in northern Ghana.

They further demanded that the government make penalties for illegal logging and trade in rosewood more deterring since the current punishment are not enough to scare people.

Addressing a news conference to register their continue displeasure about illegal logging in Tamale, the CSOs called on government to take immediate steps beyond verbal ban to stop logging, transportation and export of any rosewood in all communities in northern Ghana where the illegal activities are taken place.

On Thursday 13th August, 2020 STAR Ghana Foundation in collaboration with the Boabab Market brought together stakeholders to dialogue on theillegal logging of rosewood in Northern Ghana under the theme: ‘Accountability of key actors in the illegal rosewood trade in Northern Ghana’.

At the dialogue, it came out that government’s comment and local authorities in the fight against illegal logging of rosewood was the major issue.

Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at the Ghana Developing Communities Association(GDCA) Mr Suweidu Abdulai who addressed the media called for national awareness to protect, restock rosewood and shea trees.

Mr Suweidu told journalist that northern Ghana was prone to desertification adding, trees in northern Ghana were under serious threats.

He called on chiefs and metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies to insist on the enforcement of the ban on rosewood trade.

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