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Laribanga NPP accused MP for turning ambulance into commercial bus


The New Patriotic Party, NPP in the Laribanga electoral area in the Damongo constituency have accused Member of Parliament for the area, Adam Mutawakilu of turning an ambulance belonging to the Laribanga health center into a commercial bus.

The said ambulance was donated by the MP to the health center in the run up to the 2016 general elections in fulfilment of an earlier promise.

However, in a statement signed by the electoral area coordinator of the party, Iddi Adam Osman, the NPP alleged that, the ambulance had disappeared from the facility for the past three years.

According to them the MP took back the ambulance under the pretense of sending it for maintenance and has since not return it. T

he NPP alleged that, the ambulance have been spotted in Tamale conveying passengers. They have therefore given him a two day ultimatum to return the ambulance or face their wrath.

Source: Ghana/Tamale/ Biawurbi

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