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S/R: Traditional leaders’ offer sacrifices to gods to curb road accidents


Traditional authorities of Mankpan traditional area in the central Gonja District of the Savannah region on Sunday performed a sacrifice to gods of the area in a move to help mitigate the numerous accidents occurring on the Buipe – Tamale high way.

The sacrifice led by paramount chief of Makpan, Mankpanwura Achor Ade Borenyi (I) and Land Priest, Kasawulewura Binimu Eloge is to call for the intervention of the gods to curb road accidents in the area.

The sacrifice was performed in between Domeabra and Fufulso where many of the accidents occurred. Mankpanwura lamented that, 28 lives have been lost to road accidents on the Buipe – Tamale high way in the month of February alone.

 “We the chiefs and people of Mankpan Traditional Area today have taken bold steps to halt the frequent and untold road carnage which has already claimed about 28 innocent lives this year in February alone, leaving several others injured along the Buipe-mile 40 stretch of the Buipe-Fufulso highway”.

“It will be recalled that within a spate of 20 days in February 2021 alone, about 28 lives have been lost in four (4) separate accidents on the stretch leaving several others injured. Every life is important so therefore, the Mankpan Traditional Area cannot sit unconcern while precious lives continue to perish hence, the decision to take steps to halt the carnage”

“Society is very complex and every life is important and must be protected. Social stability requires the right social mix to resolve societal complexities. Therefore, pacifying the ancestors and cleansing the area traditionally is equally as important as providing three speed calming devices (speed ramps) on the stretch.

Mankpanwura indicated that every live is important and therefore it is imperative for traditional leaders to protect the lives and properties of their people including road users. He appealed to the Savannah regional Highways Directorate to as a matter of urgency, construct speed ramps at the spot to halt the frequent accident as some of them are caused by over speeding.

“Therefore, I call on the Savannah regional Highways Authority Director, Mr. Paul Duah as a matter of urgency, to take steps to provide at least three speed calming devices – a scientific approach to help halt the accidents, while the chiefs and people of Mankpan Traditional Area handle the social approach of pacifying and cleansing the ancestral realm”.

The paramount chief also called on the public to join the chiefs and people of Mankpan Traditional Area to halt these carnages by adhering to simple road safety measures.

On his part the Land Priest of the area Kasawulewura Binimu Eloge called on government agencies to value and respect the activities of traditional authorities and work closely with them to bring total development to the people. He said the traditional authorities are always left out during road construction hence the occurrence of some of these numerous accidents. Biawurbi

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