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Yelzoli Lana summons health officials over suspected covid-19 in Zabzugu district


The Paramount Chief of Yelzoli traditional area in the northern region, Yelzoli Lana Iddrisu Imoro II, summoned the district director of the Ghana Health Service over reported cases of covid-19.

 The chief wanted the health officials to brief him and his elders on the circumstances surrounding the death of a Chinese national with construction firm working on Zabzugu-Nakpale road who reportedly died of covid.

It was revealed that two officers of the assembly who went to Kumasi for a workshop tested positive and has to remain in Kumasi for treatment. It also emerged that the Chinese national was brought to the Zabzugu district hospital as covid 19 positive unknow the health personnel.

The chief who spoke through his secretary, Mr Salifu Umar demanded explanation from the health director why allowed covid patients into their Out Patient Department (O.P.D) but she responded that they did not know that the Chinese man was covid positive until they started preparing his referral letter that his co-workers brought out his health records which revealed his status.

The chief also demanded to kwon the whereabout of other two patients but was told they were at Tamale covid treatment center receiving treatment.

The district health director, Victoria Aboyala told the palace that on August 13, 2021, the Chinese national was reported at the district hospital with covid-19 symptoms such as coughing, difficulty in breathing among others. His samples she said was taken to Tamale and on 11th August,2021 he died.

The decease Chinese national remains, the health director narrated, was disinfected and put in the body bag following all Infection Prevention Control protocols. The Out Patient Department (O.P.D), dispensary and male ward she added was fumigated with chlorine by Zoomlion team.

The officials further explained to the Yelizoli Lana and his elders that the decease Chinese body was taken to the Yendi Municipal Hospital mortuary preservation. They stated that contact listing has been done between 13th August and 14th, 2021 and that contact tracing also done at the contractor camp at Kukpaligu on 14th.

Samples of 85 workers including 11 health workers, he added were taken and sent to Tamale with 44 samples on standby, Madam Victoria explained. All health workers on duty she further explained were advised to self-isolate and quarantine until their results are determine. Second fumigation she said  has been done at the hospital and at Kukpaligu camp of the Chinese construction firm on August 15.  The director assured chiefs and people of Zabzugu district that all safety measures including public sensitization on covid safety was ongoing at all levels in the district to prevent further spread of covid in the area. She assured Yelizoli palace that her outfit will keep them updated as and when they receive the results of the samples taken so far. 

Regional health director visit

Northern Regional Health Director of the Ghana Health Service, Dr John B. Eleeza together with his two deputies- Dr Hilarious Abiwu in charge of public health and Dr Abukari Baba Braimah visited the district and reassured chiefs and people of that adequate measures are put in place to safeguard them from contracting covid.  

Results of the samples

One hundred twenty-one (121) samples of suspected covid 19 121 from five districts in the northern region has proven negative as at August 19,2021, the Ghana Health Service has said.

The samples according to the GHS were taken the districts by health officials and sent to the Tamale testing center. The breakdown is as;  Sagnarigu  municipal 7, Tamale metro 17, Zabzugu district 93, Gushegu municipal1 and Nanumba North 3.

The region’s active covid 19 cases stand at 17 as at Sunday August,2021 with case of serious or critical case. Ghana’s active case as at 22 August stands at 6,425 with 97 in admission cumulatively.

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