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6,000 people receive free medical care from Greece & SADA


A nurse and a nutritionist with Heart Doctors mission, a Greece medical mission is advising the people in the northern region to stop taking pepper to avoid Ulcer. Helen Sotiviron has urged the people in the north to reduce the intake of Maggi, reduce salt consumption if they cannot devoid it and dried fish.

Helen Sotiviron  who is also the vice president of the heart doctors,  together with her four other colleagues explained that pepper contributes greatly to ulcer and people with high blood pressures should be careful in their diet especially with dried fish which she said contains too much salt.

The five member team led by Professor Yataganas Zenophon, a distinguished medical practitioner arrived in Ghana on October 16 and ended on 24 October 2014 provided free medical consultation and drugs to 7 communities in four districts in Upper East   and Northern regions.  

The district includes; Bulsa South and Nabdam districts, East Mamprusi and Sagnarigu districts in the northern region. Gambaga and Kulgona in the East Mamprusi district, Kotintaabik and Yakoti in the Nabdam district and Jesunayili in the Sagnarigu district.

The Heart Doctors treated aliments such as Malaria, skin diseases, respiratory tract infections, eye disorders, worms and abdominal pains.

People with Urinary tract infections, diarrhea, high blood pressure, Ulcers and epilepsy were also treated by the Greece medical team. An estimated number 6 thousand person including children, the elderly and persons living with disabilities were treated.

The heart doctors 8 day mission of field working the rural communities in northern Ghana was facilitated and coordinated by the Savanna Accelerated Development Authority (SADA).  

In an interaction meeting with journalist and officials of SADA in Tamale, the mission thanked the people in the north for overwhelming show of love and promise to come back if things work according to plan.

According to them, they work in the southern part of Ghana but the reception and love shown in the north was great. ’’Your Weather is good, we eat their food and the behavior children were amazing’’ vice president of the mission admitted.

Coordinator for Social Development and Gender at SADA, Chrys Anab described the mission as very successful and thanked Ghana health service for their ground support with the team and all beneficiary assemblies.

The leader of Greece Heart Doctors, Professors Yataganas commended SADA for coordinating their free medical service in all the districts and communities well.

The Chief Executive Officer of SADA, Mr Charles Akelyira Abugre describe the Greece Heart Doctors visit to SADA zone as spirit of service and empathy to humanity  and thank them for service provided to the people in the two regions.

The SADA CEO hinted that, the authority will discussed with the University for Development Studies for exchange of ideas in the training of doctors at the UDS medical school. Mr Charles Aburge stated that his outfit will find a way to organize a meeting with authorities of UDS for information and ideas exchange between the mission and the UDS medical school.

As traditions and customs in the north, all the members were decorated with northern smock and Kante.  


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