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Black Stars calls on Gulkpe Naa ahead of their match against Togo in Tamale



The paramount chief of Tamale, Gulkpe Naa Alhaji Abdulai Alhassan has presented 25 smocks, a bull and hundred tubers of yam to the senior National team, the Black stars at a colour ceremony in his palace.  

The Black stars led by the president of Ghana Football Association (GFA), Osman Kwasi Nyatakyie  and technical team paid courtesy  called on Gulkpe Naa to seek his blessing as the custodian of Tamale ahead of Ghana Togo Match schedule on Wednesday at the Tamale sports stadium.

The Gulkpe Naa on behalf of the overlord of Dagbon and people of Gulkpegu traditional area expressed his happiness and pray for the Black stars to beat their Togolese counterparts in their crucial encounter.

By the customs and traditions of Dagbon the Gulkpe Naa explains demands that the players wear the smocks after beating the Togolese national team, The Sparrow Hawks at the Tamale sports stadium.

The chief pray for the victory of the stars and encourage the player’s to exhibit their God given talent by beating Sparrow Hawks.

The Gulkpe Naa also promised to lead his subjects to the training grounds of the Black stars to boost their moral. This is the second international match in less than two months at the Tamale sports stadium after years of being left out. Officials of GFA and the players were overwhelm by the reception last month during their game between Guinea national team   ’Syli nationale’.  

In spite of some residents concerns that allowing Guinea, one of the worst affected countries of Ebola to play in Ghana puts the country at high risk, the people in Tamale came out in their numbers and welcome the team.

The 20, 000 capacity stadium was full to its capacity by spectators both Guineans and Ghanaians. The price of tickets for the match in the black was sold at ten Ghana cedis instead of five cedis.

 The president of GFA Kwasi Nyatakyei immediately confirmed to journalist that, the match between black stars and Togo will be held in Tamale after black stars 3-1 victory.

Sports presenters and journalist concerns over Ghana-Togo match ticket price

Some sports journalist in the northern region who spoke to Zaa sports have raised serious concerns over the increase of tickets price 10 cedis to 20 Ghana cedis questioning the rationale behind it. 

They maintained that the match might have patronage like the previous one should the national sports council refuse to reduce it. Zaa Sports will keep you posted on events leading to the match on Wednesday.



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