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Concern Citizens petition Regent of Dagbon over administrative lapses in Yendi hospital


The Concern Citizens of Yendi has petition the Regent of Dagbon, Kampapuya Naa Abdulai Yakubu Andani and regional health directorate over what they describe as serious administrative lapses and the corruption at the Yendi government hospital.  

The concern Yendi citizens say their finding in the hospital points to serious administrative lapses and corruption behavior which need to be address by stakeholders in health and government immediately.

They claim some individuals in the Yendi hospital are completely money centered, frustrating the progress of the institution and themselves are health problem to the people in Yendi and its environs contrary to the ethics of medical doctors and health workers which includes people centered and general concern for patients.

A letter title; the state of Yendi government hospital as results of administrative lapses and corrupt behaviours signed by Alhaji LUQMAN Mahama Kulikulidoo-President and three other members and copied to Zaa News, said if it allow will collapse the hospital.  

The Yendi concern citizen’s letter was as a result of the hospital inability to provide basic health care to the accidents victims brought to the facility on Monday 4 October 2014                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

The accident which occurred at about 8:30pm at Puriya, a farming community along Tamale-Yendi road claim three persons lives living several sustaining serious injury.

Some of the victims who spoke to Zaa News say they regretted that the Ambulance sent them to the Yendi hospital and thanked Allah to serving them losing lives. According them, emergency responds at the hospital is zero couple with no intravenous infusions, giving-sets and dressings for the accidents victims.

They told Zaa News they bear the pains for almost a day before some of them requested for transfers to Tamale because they can no longer bear with the pains. A medical doctor who was on duty has to volunteer his own gauze to help dress the wounds of some of the victims.

The concern Yendi citizens accused the medical superintendent, Dr Abankwa of frustrating the progress of the institution.

The Yendi citizens say they are aware of the role doctors play in the society but the Dr Abankwa is direct opposite to doctor’s role and want him remove.  The Yendi concern citizen’s finds out 15 administrative lapses which they say will collapse Yendi government hospital if care is taken now. Among them area;


1 Dr Abankwa met not less than two permanent doctors when he was posted to the hospital when it was district hospital. He has since remained alone upon assumption of office as medical superintendent.

2 Card bearing members of the NHIS when visit the hospital will only be given a minute portion of the prescribed drugs and will be directed to Yendi town to buy rest, yet entries are made cover all the prescribed drugs and made illegal claims from the NHIS.  

3 For the past one month, there has there has been complete absence of drugs and materials in the hospital even cotton wool, spirit and plasters. Since the start of the agitation the citizens, the hospital started receiving drugs since October 10.

4. The hospital at the moment has no pharmacist yet there exist one on records.

5.Dr. Abankwa took away a scanner meant for pregnant women under the pretext of repairing it and up to date no one knows the where about of the equipment.

6. A big institution like Yendi Government Hospital is managed like a sole proprietorship type of business because it has no Board of Governors to stir the affairs of the hospital.

7. In 2012 the medical superintendent, Dr. Abankwa was transferred to old hospital in Tamale but the determined workers in the hospital who were not ready to be frustrated rejected him outright.

8. Replacement of retires and appointments are given to other people from elsewhere, perhaps from Abankwa’s   relations.

9. Dr. Abankwa has become a moister in the hospital by frustrating workers. Students who were sponsored by the Assembly upon completion refuse to work under him and run to other neiboring districts.

10. The hospital is a referral center to the neibouring districts yet they prefer managing their cases to sending them down to Yendi Government Hospital only to die or to be referred further to Tamale.

11. The ambulance service has no fixed charge and receipts are not issued upon payments.

12. No balance sheet is prepared annually simple because the accountant is always not available except when cheques are landed. The group did not task itself to interrogate so much into the financial areas of the hospital for it believes that a full institution is responsible to ensuring the efficient and transparent financial matters of an establishment like the Yendi Government Hospital. Should they fail, then it is the lost of mother Ghana.

13. It is also revealed that there is salary disparity among the casual workers. Whiles some take as much as GHc 800.00 others take only GHc 120 thus falling below the minimum wage.

14. Anesthetic drugs which are not common are often written to patients to buy due to the continue unavailability of the drugs in the hospital. It is most commonly sold in the theater because it is usually not being provided by management.

15. Finally, Dr. Abankwa has lost control of the hospital hence the hospital is running itself. Issues like wrong use of infusion pipes, connecting patients to empty oxygen cylinders, children disabled as a result of unprofessional injection, beating of patients among others are issues often left unpunished.

The group therefore calls for the immediate transfer of Dr. Abankwa, the medical superintendent of the hospital, and addresses the concerns raised as soon as possible.

The public relations officer of the hospital however denied all the allegations level against the hospital management. He said he suspect the concern citizens are out for a particular interest.  





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