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Couples arrested over assault of 3 young girls in Tamale


A couple is in the grips of the Northern Regional police Command after having allegedly subjected three young girls to physical assault and inhuman treatment on suspicion of stealing their money. 

The three girls aged 18 years were suspected to have stolen 3 thousand one hundred Ghana Cedis belonging to one Hajia Fati Karim from her store around Kaladan area in Tamale.

 Two of the girls are students of Nuriya Islamic school while the other victim is a dressmaker. Hajia Fati is reported to have raised an alarm after the girls went to the Hajia’s shop to buy assorted drinks for a pass-out.

According to the girls, both the husband and the wife together with some tugs stripped them naked under the pretext of searching for the missing money.

The girls told Zaa News as if the inhuman treatment was not enough, the tugs around were threatening to burn them alive if they refused to confess to stealing the money.

One of the three currently on admission at the Tamale Central Hospital has started suffering from hearing problem as a result of the alleged physical assault being perpetrated by the couple. Meanwhile, Police say it has enough of people taken the laws into their own hands and perpetrators of instance justices will soon pay dealing for their acts.

 Instance justice has gain notoriety in the northern regional capital-Tamale following series of motor bike stealing and sometimes snatching unsuspecting publics hand bags.

The latest instance justices  was carried out by a couple who allegedly subjected three young girls to physical assault and all forms dehumanized acts last Monday at shop around Kalandan area in Tamale.

 Last week, young men were also subjected to similar incident along Tamale Teaching Hospital road and central business district for attempting to steal a motor bike.

But the police say the fact that criminals are taken advantage of situations and committing offences does not necessarily means people should take the laws into their own hands.

 Northern Regional Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Ebenezer Tetteh old Zaa News that, the police is patiently waiting for the young girls to be discharge from hospital beds for prosecution to commence.

The police expressed surprised at the couples behavior after beating the young girls, came to police to report.The law of Ghana states that, when someone commits an offence, he or she is not guilty until proving guilty at the law court.

It is on these bases that the police are warning residents to desist treating victims as criminals or prepared to pay their medical bills fully. “what the police are going to do now is, when people arrest suspect allegedly committing crime and they subject them to beat and later come to police, we will hand them over to them to treat them and bring them back to  their normal state’’ ASP Tetteh stated. 


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