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EC is wasting government money-NPP N/R chairman


Northern Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Bugri Naabu has described the ongoing registration exercise by the electoral commission as very poor, failure and waste of government money.
Bugri said the way the registration exercise is going on, political parties in the region need wake up and ensure that the electoral commission show more seriousness on the exercise.
The NPP regional chairman attributed the low turnout in the Tamale metropolis to poor publicity which has led to apathy of potentials voters and urged EC embark on public education on exercise immediately.
When asked whether extension of the ten days exercise will help address the problem, Bugri Naabu said it will fruitless if EC does not educate the public on exercise.
Some of the Special Duty Officers corroborated with Bugri Naabu’s concerns of the low patronage and suggested that EC use information services Vans and radio stations in the metropolis to create public awareness. Some centers in the Tamale north constituency registering as low as 8, 9 and 18.
The Electoral Commission failure to provide food and travel allowance to officials they have engaged in the ongoing registration exercise is likely to hamper the smooth registration in the northern region.
This is because the officers are fine it difficult to combine hanger and the work they have been task to do by the EC.
Special Duty Officers (SDOs) in of registration centers in Mohiyabihi, Kuko, Tishegu all suburbs of Tamale ) told Zaa News that, they have not received food and traveling allowance promised them during the training since the beginning of the exercise on Monday.
The SDOs say electoral Commission need to address the issue immediately. The SDOs they are surprised that the various political parties will bring food to their agents but EC, the organizer will forget about their officers.
In the previous EC registration exercise, its officers are normally provided with food, traveling allowances to facilitate the movement of registration officers to their various centers and sometimes give credit to call their immediate EC officers in circumstances beyond their control.
This, the SDOs say is absent in the 2014 registration which is posing serious challenge to their work.


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