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Gukpe Naa palace initiate moves for the repatriation of young man involve in Tamale sex scandal


The Gukpe Naa’s Palace has hinted that it will write to the Ghana embassy in Canada for the repatriation the young man at the center of the Tamale leaked sex videos and pictures with several girls.
The palace says government must intervene and bring the young man who according to the palace is bent on tarnishing the image of northern region.
It has therefore prepared a letter for Gender, children and social protection ministry demanding the repatriation of the young man.
Reports say the originator of the nude girls’ pictures is currently out of the shores of Ghana, studying in Canada. The palace strongly requested he brought back to Ghana for the law to deal with him.
The Gukpe Naa’s palace says they have sighted the nude pictures of several girls and described them as animalistic behavior being exhibited by both sexes.
Speaking exclusively with Zaa News, the secretary to the Gukpe Naa, Mohammed Rashad Abdulai said it is unfortunate and that the palace was shocked to the marrow and will soon address the media on the issue.
On whether the girls were aware of the young man taking them pictures, Mr Rashad said a glance through the pictures indicates that the pictures were taken consciously.


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