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Ghana's foreign policy will continue to strive in the African continent-Alhaji Mumuni


The Foreign Affairs Minister and parliamentary candidate for Kumbungu constituency, Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni has reiterated the NDC government's prudent management of national economy, saying it has brought single digit inflation and stability.
He said the sustainable management of the economy is a clear indication that the government was committed to improving the living conditions of the citizenry of the country.
Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni stated this at the launch of the national Deputy Coordinator of Ghana Youth Enterpreneuralship Development Agency (GYEDA) Ibrahim Murtala Mohammed campaign at Ziong in the Nantong constituency.
The Foreign Affairs Minister said Ghana’s foreign policy would continue to strive the world over and continue to be the beacon in the continent.  
The NDC parliamentary candidate for Nantong, Ibrahim Murtala Mohammed said the people of the constituency need quality representation and promise to provide such leadership when he is elected come December 7th polls.
Mr. Murtala was optimistic that he would win the December election to represent the people of Nantong with free, fair and transparent election. 


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