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Kumbungu youth appeals to president Mahama for DCE


A youth group in the Kumbungu district has appealed to the President, John Dramani Mahama to as a matter of urgency to appoint a district chief executive for the area by the end of this month.
The group, ’’The Concerned Graduates of Kumbungu’’ says the continued absence of the DCE in the Kumbungu derails the development of the area backwards and that the youth cannot allow some selfish individual interests to supersede the larger interest of Kumbungu.
Kumbungu district assembly is one of the infant districts that were inaugurated in the middle of 2012 before the death of president Mills.
The district was suppose to have a DCE by the middle of 2012, and that did not happen for reasons best know to the appointing authorities.
Districts such as Sang, Tatale/Saguli, Sene North, Sagnarigu among others got DCEs in 2012 and are fully functioning in the areas of development and poverty reduction while the people of Kumbungu are still wallowing in underdevelopment and poverty due to lack of DCE who could have served as catalyst for the development of Kumbungu.
According to the youth, the continuous delay in appointment of substantive DCE for district deserved better, breeds a lot of speculation in the political atmosphere of Kumbungu, the youth say they find it difficult to ascertain the truth embedded.
Addressing a press conference at Kumbungu, the youth say if the president fails to heed to their diplomatic appeals they will resort to actions that the government will not like.
Saaka Alhassan, spokesperson for the group said rumours surrounding the DCE position have the propensity to kill the NDC slowly in the district.
He said some people who purport to speak for government insinuate that the delays is a direct result of the voting pattern in the recent by-election that saw the CPP snatching the seat from the ruling NDC that it has occupied since 1992.
The spokes person said some also attribute the continuous delay to division within the NDC’s front in Kumbungu –Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni and Alhaji Yakubu Kakpagu factions.
The spokesperson said the group cannot subscribe to speculations that the delay in appointing a substantive DCE is as a result of division among the NDC which has led to the party’s defeat in the by-election. ’’Our plight is made worse by that it is a new district and should have got a DCE before the 2012 elections; if the delay is due to the speculations, that would be unfortunate because vengeance is not an attractive option in Ghana politics today and Kumbungu in particular’’ he lamented.
Mr Saaka said the speculations are valid one; it is a course for concern because the division itself is not enough to stall the appointment of a DCE for such a long time since leaders of both factions no longer hold political positions in Kumbungu he said even though both factions has loyalists, the strength of that factionalism has since diminished and anyone who projects it currently is seen to be seeking to serve his selfish parochial interest.
A further delay in appointing DCE especially lasting another month will significantly affect the fortunes of the NDC in 2016 general elections and the time is now to prevent the situation the spokes person added.


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