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Muslims urge to embrace dialogue and peace


The Northern Regional Minister has urged Muslims in the region to embrace peace and settle differences through dialogue and understanding.
Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Lemuna, stated that, Ramadan is a special month for Muslims to throughout the world during which they abstain from food, drinks and other immoral activities and is a great sacrifice made to Allah.
The Tamale Municipal Chief Executive AbdulHanan Gondadoo who read the minister message at the Tamale Jubilee Park said, haven gone through the sacrifice, it is clear that Muslims are physically and spiritually stronger and has the benefits of further closeness to Allah.
Fasting he said, teaches Muslims about sacrifice, self discipline, charity, brotherliness and peace with one another.
He mentioned that, nothing can be more valuable than the lessons they learnt from the Ramadan season and that peace is an essential instrument for development and prosperity in the various communities in the region.
Mr. Hanan congratulated the Imams and the religious leaders of the various communities for the wonderful roles they played during the fasting period and advise Muslims to emulate and take the teachings of the Imams serious for a peaceful and joyous end of the holy month of Ramadan.
The Tamale mayor reiterated that, peace is the bed rock for development and that citizens should not take the relative peace the country is enjoying for granted because of the current economic challenges facing the country.
He assures the people that, the security Agencies would continue to carry out their duties for people to move on with normal activities without fear through the cooperation and assistance of the people to get timely and appropriate information.
On the current economic challenges facing the country, the mayor stated that, though the country is facing some challenges, there is a bright future for the country and that it takes patience, sacrifice and understanding to get the best result and urged people to bare with government as it embark on the needed measures to bring back hope to every Ghanaian.


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