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Pay your tax and demand accountability from gov’t-Dalun Lana advised


The Chief of Dalun, Naa Hamidu Mahama has advised Ghanaians to cultivate the habit of paying tax to enable government provide them the necessary development.

Naa Hamidu said while every Ghanaian is calling on government to provide them basic social amenities, it is incumbent on the citizenry to pay tax because it is one of the major sources of revenue for any government to embark on developmental projects in the country.

Speaking at a durbar of chiefs and people in the Tibung traditional area, Dalun Lana recalled pre-independent era when there was not evasion of tax unlike today where citizens are reluctant to honour their tax obligations and yet want government to provide them their needs.

He said the assemblies can only help in health care services, roads, water, education and electricity in the communities.

Dalun Lana said the only way to hold government accountable is paying taxes and demand the judicious use of the tax.

The Dalun chief explained that the citizens can demand their share of the national cake if only they honoured their tax obligations.

Hamidu Mahama who is not a tax expert entreated the assemblies to educate the citizens on the need to pay so that they can carry out development projects.


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