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Tamale Central Prison appeals for drugs & soap for inmates


Authorities at the Tamale Central prison are appealing to individuals and benevolent organizations to assist them with items such soap, food and drugs.

The prison authorities say the facility needs those items to supplement central government’s effort in taking care of inmates under their custody.

The Tamale Central prison has over 3 hundred inmates comprising, convicts, remands, lifest, trials and recidivists.

Superintendent S.B Khalid made the appeal on behalf of the Deputy Director of Prison service in the northern Robert K. Awolugutu when Tamnorth Company, wholesale distributors of  Classic Beverages donated one hundred and ten cartons Lacaserra soft drinks  to the prison authorities and the inmates and two cartons of biscuits.

Speaking to Zaa News, Superintendent Khalid emphasized that, the authorities need drugs at its infirmary to take care of inmates who fall sick before referring them to the major hospitals in the region.

He thanked Tamnorth Company for coming to their aid and appealed to other organizations to help the inmates.

The Northern Regional Distributor of Classic Beverages, distributors of Lacasera, Abdul Mumin Yussif urged inmates at the prison to have faith and consider their current predicament as a corrective measure to reform them.



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