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Ward K roads in deplorable condition amidst fears of flood


Residents in Ward ‘K’ electoral area in the Sagnarigu district of the northern region is leaving in fears of being flooded. According to them, should the region experience heavy rains, more than half of the residents will lose their houses and properties.

The area has only three accessible feeder roads with drainage systems running into people’s homes. The few feeder roads in the area have been eaten deeply by erosion.

Even though the Sagnarigu district assembly is constructing bridges to ease the flow of running water, residents have down-played the assembly’s effort and said it is rather worsening the drainage systems in the Ward K.

Some are even threatening to close down some bridges for fear of being washed away.’’ What work did the district engineer do or what advice did he give to the assembly before the construction of the bridges; they went round without consulting anybody and before we realized they were constructing gutters and bridges’’ a frustrated resident complained.  Some of residents spoke to Zaa News want the assembly to immediately address the problem.

The erosion in the area exposed pipelines in almost every corner in one of the largest electoral areas in the Sagnarigu district.

Access roads in the area are virtually none due to poor drainage system.  But the assemblyman for the area Abdallah Mohammed said the assembly is doing all it can to address the problem.




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