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Yaa-Naa Children reminds government of its promise


Children of the late overlord of Dagbon, Yakubu Andani II have accused the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) government of turning its blind eyes and deaf ears on the death of the late overlord and 40 others.

The children say the NDC factored in Dagbon issue in their 2008 manifesto and campaign promises, assuring the people of Ghana that the issue will be pursued to its logical conclusion.

The children numbering five in a statement said President John Dramani Mahama continues lip-service promises left by his predecessor on the murder of the king.

It will recall that barely 12 years ago on Wednesday, the overlord of Dagbon and 40 others were killed at Gbewaa palace in Yendi in broad day light amidst security apparatus in the vicinity. The gruesome killing occurred during the NPP regime under leadership of former president Kufour.

The entire stay of the reign of government did not yield any fruitful results by identifying and dealing appropriately with the perpetrators to avoid such future occurrence in the soil of Ghana.  The children said the issue was treated with the contempt it did not deserved.

They described the arrest of some suspects as ’’fake’’ which according to them ended up with ’’fake’’ release, a situation that did not experience show of remorse by any person or group or people but rather strengthening the hearts of suspected perpetrators to do worse things in future.

The statement said darkness seems to have covered the issue among politicians and traditional authorities and that even some Andani family members and faithful now struggle for financial gains and chieftaincy favors because their farther is no more.

It however expressed gratitude to some faithful and responsible fathers, brothers, sisters and sympathizers for their continue effort for justice.

The statement also accused some Andani faithful of side lining the search for the perpetrators of the gruesome murder and are selfishly pressurizing for the performance of their late father funeral.

The strong worded statement issued in Tamale and signed by Mohammed Yakubu, Abdulai Andani Yakubu, Abdulai Iddi Yakubu Nasike Yakubu and Budali Yakubu lamented that people are now telling lies about them as receiving financial gains and other resources in order to forget the pursuance of the perpetrators of the heinous act.

The children stated categorically that they do not receive bribes and are not relenting in their quest to exposing the perpetrators of the killing and looting of the palace.

 The fight for justice according the statement continues unabated and that if for any reason they fail to win the battles for justice, their children will finally win the war.






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