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Disappointed customers chances Dr Ndoum for their Funds

The disappointed goal coast security fund management / GN Saving and loans  agitating customers in the northern region have called on president to impressed on the chairman of Group Nduom to pay them their hard earn monies they entrusted to the struggling financial institution.

The angry customers say the president is necessary now because Dr Papa Kwasi Ndoum has shown that he is not willing to give back their monies he has used to transact several business.
The agitating GN customers in a peaceful demonstration in Tamale today described Dr Ndoum as a wicked person who is not listen to their plight after several attempts they made to withdraw their monies.

The customers in a peaceful possession marched to the regional coordinating council and presented their concerns to the regional coordinating director  Alhaji Issahaku Alhassan for onwards submission to the president.

The GN bank was downgraded to saving loans company after the bank of Ghana consolidated about seven  banks in the wake banking sector challenges.

Since the BoG decision to downgrade GN bank, several customers of the bank and its subsidiary goal security have struggled to either rest received their salaries or withdraw their deposits.
But the customers say their calls on the president to intervene was because out what they heard that GN invested most of their funds into government projects. Lest listen to them.
A frustrated 74 year old customer who has over 70, 000 Ghana cedis lamented that he felt sick with 3 major surgery and when he went to the GN bank in kumasi  to sleep there, he was given stories upon stories and later given little out of his monies.
I am 70, when will i look for money again, President must help us. He asked. Customers are now just seeking for the principal and not the interest.

An ex soldier, Warrant Officer (W.O ) Apatika Tanko told the media that the Accra office of GN blamed their frustration on technical fault becuase the government has borrowed part of the mony to fund the Free Senior High School program.
This, the ex soldier said was highly unacceptable and that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)are sleeping on their jobs.

He claimed that SEC officials instead of discharging their duties are rather busily engaging corrupt acts.

The northern regional coordinating Director, Alhaji Issahaku Alhassan thanked them for the peaceful conduct to demand their monies. He said the government is concern about their plight and is putting in place to find solution to the problem.

The agitating GN customers got upset when the coordinating director asked to them exercise restrain in demands for their entitlement.  How long can we continue wait when some of us are dying? They quizzed.

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