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Northern Region gets £35m 2 waste management plants from Zoomlion Ghana


The Jospong Group of Companies (JGC) has secured £35 million funding from Hungarian government to establish solid and liquid waste management plants in the Northern region.

The two recycling and treatment plants would covert all waste into reusables.
The recycling plant total cost is estimated at £20 million and is said to be ready within four months whilets the liquid waste treatment plant would cost £15 million and will be completed in 15 months.
Executive Chairman of Jospong Group of companies, Dr Joseph Siaw Agyapong announced this in Tamale when he paid a curtersy call on the Northern regional minister as part his working visit to the region.

The plants when completed is expected provide 125 direct jobs to unemployed youth and over 500 indirect jobs in the region when it is in full operation.
The Compost and Recycling Plant is part of

Zoomlion Ghana Limited’s Integrated Recycling and Compost Plant (IRECOP) a waste processing and recycling facility established by the Jospong Group of Companies’ to receive, sort, process and recycle waste.

Dr Siaw Agyapong stated that funds and equipment were ready and that the the project managers spearheading similar one in Kumasi was over 90%complete.

Dr Siaw Agyapong further announced that zoomlion Ghana limited has earmarked over 5 000 waste bins for the Northern region as part the company’s commitment in ensuring proper sanitation in the region.

Northern Region, Dr Siaw Agyapong said was the first region in northern Ghana to benefit because zoomlion consider Northern part as strategic area in terms of development and peace.

” The president, Nana Addo Akufo-Addo want us to establish it in all the 6 new regions but we are beginning in the Northern region before we can proceed to other regions”, Dr Siaw Agyapong said.

According Dr Siaw Agyapong, Zoomlion partners–in Austral and Hungarians considered the Northern part as a strategic ways especially the land size.

A photo-type of the plants were shown to the minister by the project managers.

Dr Siaw Agyapong was accompanied by the Managing Director of Sewage system Ghana limited Mr Haidar Said and the project manager of Kumasi treatment plant and top management of JGC.

On his part, the Northern regional minister, Mr Salifu Saeed lauded the Jospong Group for considering the region as one of its prefer choice to invest.

The minister said the establishment of two waste treatment plants was the dividence of peace the region is currently enjoying. He assured the regional coordinating council full support of the project.

Mr Saeed said the government of President Akufo-Addo appreciates the zoomlion collaboration in the management of waste in the country and always ready for private sector to provide complementary role for the betterment of people.

He described the long partnership of Zoomlion with both past and current government as good adding that it has deepen Ghana’s decentralization process.
Mr Saeed admitted that the major confronting governments was jobs for the youth but with the emergence of zoomlion, majority have been and continue to be engaged.
This, the mislnister noted prevented a situation where the unemployed youth who described as vulnerable could have been used by selfish wealthy individuals to disturb the peace.

” As the chairman of Regional Security Council (REGSEC) , the category of youth zoomlion engage and still engaging are very active and productive. If they were not getting jobs it would serve as security threats because these are people who are determined and their overzealous in nature. And if they were not getting jobs, people would have used them for criminal actities and they are also vulnerable to terrorists groups who are disturbing our the Neighboring counties such as Mali and Burkina Faso” Mr Saeed observed.

Dagbon Sabta Na interacting with Mr Haidar Said(MD of Ghana Sewage System Limited)

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