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We are in dire need of a health facility-Kukphei Community to government


Residents of Kukphei community in the Sagnarigu municipality say they are in dire need of a health facility. According to them, the absence of the facility makes it difficult for pregnant women and children to access quality health services.

This they say causes many women to deliver at home without any proper medical attention. A land, the community say is already made available for the construction of the health facility to serve the community and its neighbors.

They have however appealed to government, non-governmental organizations, health promoters and benevolent individuals to come to their aid.

‘’Our women travel long distances to seek medical care which is not good at all. Most pregnant women deliver in their homes because a health facility is not closer to the community, and they don’t get all the medical attention they need’’.  

They made this known when Zaa news visited the community. On education, the community has asked Ghana Education Service, GES, to capture in their documents the only primary school which was constructed in 2014. They also want GES to provide the school with teachers.

Currently the school building in the community can only be described as a ‘white elephant’ considering the fact that there are no teachers to teach. Secretary of the community Iddrisu Alhassan speaking to Zaa news says if the school is provided quality teachers it will go a long way to aid the development of their children.

Education he noted is key in the progress of every society, hence the need for government and other bodies to support the Kukphei community.

‘’We all know education is important that is why we want our children to also learn hard and become responsible future leaders and take care of us in future’’, he pleaded. Women of the Kukphei community on the other hand appealed to financial institutions to assist them with loans to enable them establish business to enable them cater for their children. 

By:Lilian D. Walter/

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