Eight stolen cows were rescued by the youth of Nyohini, a suburb of Tamale metropolis from a suspected cattle stealing syndicate. The suspects who are on the run were transporting the cattle in a Kia truck with registration number AS 1786-11 from Waribogu, a farming coammunity in the Tolon district to unknown location in Tamale.
The Kia truck was impounded at about 4am, Wednesday near the forest adjacent to the Tamale sports stadium by young men after a hot pursuit. The four occupants including the driver sensing danger stopped abruptly on the road, abandoned the truck with its cargo and fled.
The suspected thieves took the cows from two different cattle ranches in Waribogu. Among the stolen cattle were lactating ones. Stealing of cattle and other ruminants is common in the region especially during festivities. Cattle syndicates are one of the major challenges facing livestock farmers in the region.
Narrating the incident to Zaa news, one of the cattle farmers, Mohammed Abdulai said, a Fulani herdsman reported missing some cows after he had spent hours in the ranch.
The Fulani went home and on his return to the ranch, a number of cows were missing prompting the herdsman to report it to the cattle owners. A number of cows were stolen in the area in previous years and cattle owners have been on alert to ambush those stealing their cattle, Abdulai said.
Mba Abdulai was not happy that the suspects including the driver of the Kia truck transporting escaped arrest and said all efforts should be made to arrest the owner of the Kia truck who is yet to be identified. Meanwhile, the cows have been returned to the community after a report was made to the police who have since mounted a search for the owner of the vehicle.
Thumbs up for the youth of Nyohini for such wonderful display of alertness and maturity in handling the livestock theft.
Zaa Radio all the way